Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days

Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days pdf


Джейк Кнапп









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Джейк Кнапп — известный писатель, спикер и партнер по дизайну в Google Ventures. Он наиболее известен как создатель методологии «Дизайн-спринт» — процесса решения важнейших бизнес-задач посредством проектирования, создания прототипов и пользовательского тестирования.

Джейк работал со многими известными компаниями, включая Slack, Nest, 23andMe и The New York Times. Он также работал консультантом по дизайну и менеджером по продуктам в Google и Microsoft.

Помимо своей работы в индустрии дизайна, Джейк также является популярным автором. Он написал две книги: «Спринт: как решать большие проблемы и тестировать новые идеи всего за пять дней», которую он написал в соавторстве с Джоном Зерацки и Брейденом Ковицем, и «Выделите время: как сосредоточиться на том, что важно каждый день». ", который он написал в соавторстве с Джоном Зерацки.

О Джейке писали в различных СМИ, включая The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal и Forbes. Он также часто выступает на конференциях и мероприятиях по всему миру, где делится своими знаниями и опытом в области дизайна и инноваций.

Описание книги

Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days pdf Джейк Кнапп

"Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days" is a book by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, and Braden Kowitz that outlines a unique and innovative approach to problem-solving and idea testing. The book provides a step-by-step guide to the "sprint" process, which is designed to help teams quickly and efficiently tackle complex problems and test new ideas.

The authors draw on their experience working at Google and other tech companies to develop the sprint process, which involves bringing together a cross-functional team for a focused and intense five-day period. During this time, the team works through a structured process that includes defining the problem, ideating potential solutions, prototyping, and testing.

The book is divided into five sections, each corresponding to a day in the sprint process. The first day, "Understand," is dedicated to defining the problem and setting goals for the sprint. The second day, "Diverge," involves generating a wide range of potential solutions through ideation techniques like brainstorming and sketching.

The third day, "Decide," involves narrowing down the potential solutions and selecting one to prototype. The fourth day, "Prototype," is dedicated to building a physical representation of the selected solution. The final day, "Validate," involves testing the prototype with real users and collecting feedback.

One of the strengths of the book is its practicality. The authors provide detailed instructions for each step of the sprint process, along with tips and best practices for facilitating a successful sprint. They also provide real-world examples of how the sprint process has been used to solve a range of problems, from improving the user experience of a mobile app to redesigning a school library.

The book is written in a clear and engaging style, with plenty of illustrations and examples to help readers understand the concepts and techniques involved. It is aimed primarily at entrepreneurs, product managers, and other professionals who are looking for a more effective and efficient way to solve complex problems and test new ideas.

Overall, "Sprint" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to streamline their problem-solving process and bring new ideas to market quickly. The sprint process outlined in the book has been used successfully by a range of companies, from small startups to large corporations, and is likely to become an increasingly popular approach to innovation in the years to come.

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