Sticks and Stones: How Digital Business Reputations Are Created Over Time and Lost in a Click

Sticks and Stones: How Digital Business Reputations Are Created Over Time and Lost in a Click pdf


Ларри Вебер









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Ларри Вебер является председателем W2 Group, цифровой экосистемы компаний, предоставляющих маркетинговые услуги, которые создают бренды, укрепляют отношения с клиентами и партнерами и стимулируют спрос на продукты и услуги. Компании W2 Group, в том числе Digital Influence Group и Racepoint Group, являются лидерами в области маркетинга и коммуникаций в социальных сетях как в платных, так и в бесплатных СМИ. В 1987 году Вебер основал The Weber Group, которая за десять лет стала крупнейшей в мире фирмой по связям с общественностью в области технологий. Группа компаний Interpublic приобрела Weber Group в конце 1996 года, а в начале 2000 года Вебер был назначен председателем и генеральным директором Interpublic Advanced Marketing Services Group. Вебер является соучредителем и председателем Массачусетской биржи инноваций и технологий (MITX), крупнейшей в мире интерактивной правозащитной организации, а также членом Исполнительного комитета Совета США по конкурентоспособности. Четвертая книга Вебера «Везде: всеобъемлющая стратегия цифрового бизнеса в эпоху социальных сетей» была опубликована в марте 2011 года.

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Sticks and Stones: How Digital Business Reputations Are Created Over Time and Lost in a Click pdf Ларри Вебер

"Larry Weber has made an important contribution to helping any leader understand how to manage and protect reputation in a digital world. The influences on reputation have spun out of control, and this book is a highly actionable approach to move from reacting to managing one of every organization's most important assets."—Michael E. Porter, Bishop William Lawrence University Professor, Harvard Business School"In Sticks and Stones, Larry Weber presents a compelling look at the challenges of protecting corporate reputation in a world where company information can cross borders and gain momentum in an instant via the Internet. Drawing on his keen eye for communications trends, Larry offers practical advice for navigating this ever-changing environment. Corporate leaders would be wise to embrace his counsel."—Ron Sargent, Chairman and CEO, Staples, Inc."Businesses no longer control their brands. At best, they can influence the communities of constituents who debate, shape, and refine their definition of what the brand means to them. Marketers and business executives can tap into these conversations to form incredibly rich and lasting bonds or allow themselves to be rolled by them. Larry Weber understood this dynamic long before most commu-nications thought leaders. In Sticks and Stones, he delivers not only bountiful examples of the best and worst practices in reputation management, but also practical advice that any leader can use to understand and shape reputation in this complex new world. This is a must-read book for the modern marketer."—Paul Gillin, author, The New Influencers and Secrets of Social Media Marketing"In today's interconnected world of social networking, 24/7 blogging and Twitter, a company's livelihood relies, in large measure, on its ability to build a reputable online presence. Sticks and Stones is a must-read for any leader in business, academia, or politics who wants to achieve and maintain a 21st-century, online competitive advantage."—Deborah Wince-Smith, President, Council on Competitiveness

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