Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change

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Семья Стивена Ролника была русско-польскими иммигрантами в ЮАР, вырос он в Кейптауне. После того, как он покинул Южную Африку с апартеидом, он поселился в Кардиффе, Уэльс, Великобритания. Он получил образование клинического психолога и заинтересовался тем, что делает разговор об изменениях полезным. По совпадению он оказался на стипендии в Сиднее, Австралия, в офисе по соседству Уильяма Р. Миллера, который сам в творческом отпуске из Нью-Мексико, США. Они совместно работали над 1-м изданием самого продаваемого текста о мотивационном интервью и в течение следующих десятилетий исследовали его использование в различных условиях по всему миру. Путешествие привело Стивена через клиническую и академическую карьеру, обучение по всему миру, работу по борьбе с ВИЧ / СПИДом в африканских странах, а в последнее время - в образовании и спорте. Принимая во внимание каждый разговор, создание сочувствия и прочных отношений оставалось нитью, связывающей его академические, клинические и учебные усилия. Его сочинения и книги были разработаны, чтобы иметь практическое значение на переднем крае ухода и других условиях.

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Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change pdf Стивен Ролник

This book is written by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Christopher C. Butler. First published in 1991, the book has become a seminal text in the field of addiction treatment and counseling.

Since the initial publication of this breakthrough work, motivational interviewing (MI) has been used by countless clinicians. Theory and methods have evolved apace, reflecting new knowledge on the process of behavior change, a growing body of outcome research, and the development of new applications within and beyond the addictions field.

At its core, "Motivational Interviewing" is a method for helping individuals change behaviors that are causing problems in their lives. This can include addiction, unhealthy relationships, and other destructive behaviors. The approach is based on the belief that people are more likely to change their behavior if they are motivated to do so, and that motivation is best elicited through a collaborative and empathetic approach.

Extensively rewritten, this revised and expanded second edition now brings MI practitioners and trainees fully up to date. William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick explain how to work through ambivalence to facilitate change, present detailed guidelines for using their approach, and reflect on the process of learning MI. Chapters contributed by other leading experts then address such special topics as MI and the stages-of-change model, applications in medical, public health, and criminal justice settings, and using the approach with groups, couples, and adolescents.

One of the key strengths of "Motivational Interviewing" is its emphasis on empathy and collaboration. Rollnick and his co-authors stress the importance of meeting clients where they are, rather than trying to force them into a particular course of action. They also stress the importance of active listening, and provide practical tips for how to demonstrate empathy and understanding in a counseling setting.

Overall, "Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change" is an excellent resource for anyone working in addiction treatment or counseling. It offers a clear and practical approach to helping clients change problematic behaviors, and emphasizes the importance of empathy, collaboration, and active listening in the counseling process. The book has been widely praised for its effectiveness in helping clients achieve lasting change, and has become a classic text in the field of addiction treatment.

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