One Way Forward: The Outsider's Guide to Fixing the Republic

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Лоуренс Лессиг — профессор права и лидерства Роя Л. Фурмана в Гарвардской школе права. До возвращения в Гарвард он преподавал в Стэнфордской школе права, где основал Центр Интернета и общества, а также в Чикагском университете. Он работал клерком у судьи Ричарда Познера в 7-м окружном апелляционном суде и у судьи Антонина Скалиа в Верховном суде США. Лессиг является основателем организации Equal Citizens и членом совета директоров Creative Commons, а также членом научного совета исследовательского фонда AXA. Член Американской академии искусств и наук и Американского философского общества, он получил множество наград, включая Webby, премию Freedom Foundation Free Software, награду Scientific American 50 и награду Fastcase 50. Однажды названный The New Yorker «самым важным мыслителем в области интеллектуальной собственности в эпоху Интернета», Лессиг переключил свое внимание с права и технологий на «институциональную коррупцию» — отношения, которые, хотя и законны, ослабляют общественное доверие к институту, особенно поскольку это влияет на демократию. Лессиг имеет степень бакалавра экономики и бакалавра менеджмента Пенсильванского университета, степень магистра философии Кембриджского университета и степень доктора права Йельского университета.

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One Way Forward: The Outsider's Guide to Fixing the Republic pdf Лоуренс Лессиг

Something is clearly rotten in our Republic. Americans have lost faith in their politicians to a greater degree than ever, resigning themselves to the best Congress money can buy, as the comic Will Rogers once put it. It doesnt matter whether they are Democrats or Republicans, people are disillusioned and angry as hell. They feel like outsiders in their own nation, powerless over their own lives, blocked from having a real voice in how they are governed. But all of this can changewe have the power. Lawrence Lessig, the renowned Harvard Law School professor, political activist, and author of the bestselling Republic, Lost, presents a clear-eyed, bipartisan manifesto for revolution just when we need it the most. One Way Forward is a rousing, eloquent, and ultimately optimistic call to action for Americans of all political persuasions. Notable in these viciously partisan times, Lessig pitches his address equally to Occupy Wall Streeters, Tea Party Patriots, independents, anarchists, and baffled citizens of the American middle. Despite our serious political differences, he argues, we canand mustchange the system for the better. At the core of our government, Lessig says, is a legal corruption. In other words: money. The job of politics has been left to a tiny slice of Americans who dominate campaign finance and exert a disproportionate influence on lawgivers as a result. This, he writes, is a dynamic that would be obvious to Tony Soprano or Michael Corleone but that is sometimes obscure to political scientists: a protection racket that flourishes while our Republic burns. We dont need to destroy wealth, Lessig declares. We need to destroy the ability of wealth to corrupt our politics. With the common-sense idealism of his hero, Henry David Thoreau, Lessig shows how Americans can take back their country, and he provides a concrete and surprisingly practical set of instructions for doing it. In a season where Americans are poised between the hope for real change and the fear that, once again, they wont get it, One Way Forward charts a course to a thrillingly new American future in which every citizen has a voice that matters, no matter how fat his or her wallet.

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