The Odyssey

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Легендарный греческий эпический поэт, автор греческих эпосов «Илиада» и «Одиссея». В целом древние греки считали Гомера исторической личностью, однако современные ученые сомневаются в этом, так как достоверных переводов его биографии, сохранившихся с античной эпохи, не существует, а приводимые о нем эпосы представляют собой накопление многовекового устного повествования и сложные поэтические экспозиции. Мартин Уэст считает, что Гомер - это не имя исторического поэта, а скорее псевдоним". Даты жизни Гомера были предметом споров в классическую эпоху, и эти споры продолжаются до сих пор. Геродот говорил, что Гомер жил четыреста лет до своего времени, что может означать, что он жил в 850 г. до н. , считает, что это было между 1184 и 1194 годами до нашей эры.

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There would have been less controversy about the proper method of Homeric translation, if critics had recognised that the question is a purely relative one,that of Homer there can be no final translation. The taste and the literary habits of each age demand different qualities in poetry, and therefore a different sort of rendering of Homer. To the men of the time of Elizabeth, Homer would have appeared bald, it seems, and lacking in ingenuity, if he had been presented in his antique simplicity. For the Elizabethan age, Chapman supplied what was then necessary, and the mannerisms that were then deemed of the essence of poetry,namely, daring and luxurious conceits. Thus in Chapman’s verse Troy must“shed her towers for tears of overthrow,” and when the winds toss Odysseus about, their sport must be called “the horrid tennis.”In the age of Anne, “dignity” and “correctness” had to be given to Homer, and Pope gave them by aid of his dazzling rhetoric, his antitheses, his nett eté, his command of every conventional and favourite artifice. Without Chapman’s conceits, Homer’s poems would hardly have been what the Elizabethans took for poetry; without Pope’s smoothness, and Pope’s points, the Iliad and Odysseywould have seemed rude, and harsh in the age of Anne. These great trans lations must always live as English poems. As transcripts of Homer they are like pictures drawn from a lost point of view. Chaque siècle depuis le xvie a eu de cecôté son belvé der différent. Again, when Europe woke to a sense, an almost exaggerated and certainly uncritical sense, of the value of her songs of thepeople, of all the ballads that Herder, Scott, Lonnrot, and the rest collected, itwas commonly said that Homer was a ballad-minstrel, that the translator must imitate the simplicity, and even adopt the formulae of the ballad. Hence came ther enderings of Mag inn, the experiments of Mr. Gladstone, and others. There was some excuse for the error of critics who asked for a Homer in ballad rhyme. TheEpic poet, the poet of gods and heroes, did indeed inherit some of the for mulae of the earlier Volks-lied. Homer, like the author of The Song of Roland, like the singers of the Kalevala, uses constantly recurring epithets, and repeats, word for word, certain emphatic passages, messages, and so on. That custom is essentialin the ballad, it is an accident not the essence of the epic. The epic is a poem of complete and elaborate art, but it still bears some birthmarks, some signs of the early popular chant, out of which it sprung, as the garden-rose springs from the wild stock, When this is recognised the demand for ballad-like simplicity and“ballad-slang” ceases to exist, and then all Homeric translations in the ball admanner cease to represent our conception of Homer. After the belief in the ball admanner follows the recognition of the romantic vein in Homer, and, as a result,came Mr. Worsley’s admirable Odyssey. This masterly translation does all that can be done for the Odyssey in the romantic style. The smoothness of the verse,the wonderful closeness to the original, reproduce all of Homer, in music and in meaning, that can be rendered in English verse. There still, however, seems an aspect Homeric poems, and a demand in connection with Homer to berecognised, and to be satisfied.

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