This Orient isle Elizabethan England and the Islamic world

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Джерри БротонДжерри Бротон — британский историк. Он профессор ренессансных исследований, теле- и радиоведущий и куратор Лондонского университета королевы Марии.
Бротон пишет о литературе, истории, материальной культуре, торговле и отношениях между Востоком и Западом, особенно в шестнадцатом и семнадцатом веках. Он использует междисциплинарный подход, рассматривая искусство, политику, историю, путевые заметки и литературу. Его книга «История мира на двенадцати картах» (Аллен Лейн, 2012) переведена на двенадцать языков. ] Его «Продажа товаров покойного короля: Карл I и его коллекция произведений искусства» (Макмиллан, 2006 г.) был номинирован на премию Сэмюэля Джонсона (ныне премия Бейли Гиффорд). Он саркастически предполагает, что рассредоточение коллекции произведений искусства Карла I в 1649 году было демократическим шагом, достойным подражания в современном мире. Его книга 2016 года «Этот восточный остров: елизаветинская Англия и исламский мир» (Лондон: Алан Лейн, 2016) была опубликована на BBC Radio 4 и выиграла Корону документальной литературы Ассоциации исторических писателей (2017).

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This Orient isle Elizabethan England and the Islamic world книга pdf прочитать и скачать Джерри Бротон

In 1570, when it became clear she would never be gathered into the Catholic fold, Elizabeth I was excommunicated by the Pope. On the principle that 'my enemy's enemy is my friend', this marked the beginning of an extraordinary English alignment with the Muslim powers who were fighting Catholic Spain in the Mediterranean, and of cultural, economic and political exchanges with the Islamic world of a depth not again experienced until the modern age. England signed treaties with the Ottoman Porte, received ambassadors from the kings of Morocco and shipped munitions to Marrakesh. By the late 1580s hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Elizabethan merchants, diplomats, sailors, artisans and privateers were plying their trade from Morocco to Persia. These included the resourceful mercer Anthony Jenkinson who met both Süleyman the Magnificent and the Persian Shah Tahmasp in the 1560s, William Harborne, the Norfolk merchant who became the first English ambassador to the Ottoman court in 1582 and the adventurer Sir Anthony Sherley, who spent much of 1600 at the court of Shah Abbas the Great. The previous year, remarkably, Elizabeth sent the Lancastrian blacksmith Thomas Dallam to the Ottoman capital to play his clockwork organ in front of Sultan Mehmed. The awareness of Islam which these Englishmen brought home found its way into many of the great cultural productions of the day, including most famously Marlowe's Tamburlaine, and Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus and The Merchant of Venice. The year after Dallam's expedition the Moroccan ambassador, Abd al-Wahid bin Mohammed al-Annuri, spent six months in London with his entourage. Shakespeare wrote Othello six months later. This Orient Isle shows that England's relations with the Muslim world were far more extensive, and often more amicable, than we have appreciated, and that their influence was felt across the political, commercial and domestic landscape of Elizabethan England. It is a startlingly unfamiliar picture of part of our national and international history.

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