Atheism Kills: The Dangers of a World Without God – and Cause for Hope

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Dennis Prager









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Dennis Prager, Los Angeles merkezli ve ülke genelinde 150 istasyonda dinlenen en çok satan yazar, köşe yazarı ve ulusal çapta sendikal radyo talk-show sunucusudur.
Orta Doğu ve Rus Enstitülerinde yüksek lisans çalışması yaptığı Columbia Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Okulu'nda bir öğretim üyesi olarak, Başkan Ronald Reagan tarafından Helsinki Anlaşmalarına İlişkin Viyana İnceleme Konferansı ABD Delegasyonuna ve Başkan George W. Bush'u ABD Holokost Anma Konseyi'ne davet etti. Pepperdine Üniversitesi'nden fahri hukuk doktorası sahibidir.
Çok aranan bir konuşmacı ve sık sık kablolu haber programı konuğu olan Dennis, dünyanın her yerinde konferanslar verdi. New York Times'ın en çok satan kitapları arasında İkinci Kez Düşün, Mutluluk Ciddi Bir Sorun ve Hala En İyi Umut: Amerikan Değerleri Neden Zafere Ulaşmalı. En yeni kitabı On Emir: Hala En İyi Ahlak Kuralı.

Kitabın Tanımı

Atheism Kills: The Dangers of a World Without God – and Cause for Hope kitap pdf oku ve indir Dennis Prager

In "Atheism Kills," Barak Lurie exposes the horrors of a world without God. Contrary to the mantra we’ve heard time and time again that religion is responsible for more deaths than anything else, it is in fact the absence of God which has killed—in obscene numbers. Ever since atheism first assumed government control in the French Revolution, it has done nothing but kill.
Atheism has killed through its many deputies: progressivism, eugenics, fascism, and communism. Lurie shows that it was the godlessness in each of these ideologies that killed hundreds of millions.
But atheism doesn’t just kill lives. It kills purpose, free will, beauty, compassion, a sense of the past and future, creativity, and freedom itself. Atheism offers only the horrors of chaos and totalitarianism.
The world misplaces its focus on Radical Islam as the greatest threat to civilization. As horrible as it is, it is doing nothing and having no sense of self which are the true enemies. It was our will to fight and sense of mission that overcame fascism and communism. We must have these to keep Radical Islam at bay, too.
This is why we must resist the growth of atheism. It was God that gave us our freedom. It was God who gave our sense of purpose that created civilization. Take those away, and there is nothing to fight for. In this way, Lurie shows that the lack of belief in God is our greatest danger. How does he know? Because like a hurricane, godlessness has only known how to destroy everything in its path. It has never created.
Like there will always be fires, there will always be enemies that seek to destroy our civilization. But if we don’t have fire stations with crew, and protocol in each city to deal with fires, those fires will consume us. Likewise, how we prepare ourselves to deal with horrific ideologies will be what saves us.

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