Introduction to Zionism and Israel

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Dan Mark Cohn-Sherbok, Reform Yahudiliği'nin bir hahamı ve bir Yahudi ilahiyatçıdır. Galler Üniversitesi'nde Yahudilik Fahri Profesörüdür. Denver, Colorado'da doğdu, East High School'dan (Denver) mezun oldu ve Williams College, Massachusetts'te öğrenciydi ve üçüncü yılını yurtdışında Atina, Yunanistan'da geçirdi.
Cincinnati'deki İbrani Birliği Koleji'nde Reform hahamı olarak atandı. Colorado Temsilciler Meclisi Papazı ve New Mexico Onursal Albay Aide-de-Camp'ıydı. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, İngiltere, Avustralya ve Güney Afrika'da haham olarak görev yaptı. Cambridge, Wolfson College'da öğrenciydi ve Wolfson College teknesinde kürek çekiyordu. İngiltere'deki Cambridge Üniversitesi'nden felsefe doktorası aldı. Daha sonra, New York Şehri İbranice Birliği Koleji-Yahudi Din Enstitüsü'nden ilahiyat alanında fahri doktora aldı. Kent Üniversitesi'nde teoloji öğretti ve Din ve Toplum Araştırmaları Merkezi Direktörü olarak görev yaptı ve Galler Üniversitesi'nde Yahudilik Profesörü olarak görev yaptı. Essex Üniversitesi, Middlesex Üniversitesi, St. Andrews Üniversitesi, Durham Üniversitesi, Vilnius Üniversitesi, Litvanya, Charles Üniversitesi, Prag, York St John Üniversitesi, Trinity Üniversitesi Koleji, St Mary's Üniversitesi, Twickenham, St Andrews'de misafir profesör olarak görev yaptı. Biblical Theological College, Moskova ve Aberystwyth Üniversitesi'nde Fahri Profesör. O Wolfson College, Cambridge ve Harris Manchester College, Oxford'da misafir öğretim üyesi, Royal Asiatic Society Üyesi, Royal Society of Arts Üyesi, Yahudi Felsefesi Akademisi Sorumlu Üyesi, Misafir Araştırma Üyesi olarak bulundu. Heythrop College, Londra Üniversitesi, Wolfson College Yaşam Üyesi, Cambridge, Darwin Koleji Onursal Kıdemli Üyesi, Kent Üniversitesi, SCR Christ Church Ortak Üyesi, Oxford, SCR Harris Manchester College Üyesi, Oxford ve London Society for the Study of Religion ve Arts and Humanities Peer Review College üyesidir. Ayrıca Mansfield College, Oxford, Oxford Lisansüstü İbranice Çalışmaları Merkezi ve Sarum College'da Misafir Akademisyen olarak görev yaptı. Times Preacher of the Year finalisti ve Royal Academy Friends tasarım yarışmasının galibi oldu. Lavinia Cohn-Sherbok ile evlidir.

Kitabın Tanımı

Introduction to Zionism and Israel kitap pdf oku ve indir Dan Cohn-Sherbok

Introduction to Zionism and Israel: From Ideology to History

With the conversion of Shabbatai Zevi in the seventeenth century, Jewish preoccupation with messianic calculation diminished. Many Jews became disillusioned with centuries of messianic anticipation and disappointment: the longing for the Messiah who would lead the Jewish people to the Holy Land and bring about the end of history seemed a distant hope. Instead eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Jewry hailed the breaking down of the ghetto walls and the elimination of social barriers between Jews and Christians. In this milieu the belief in the Kingdom of God inaugurated by the Messiah-king receded in importance. In this milieu there emerged a number of leading secularists who were preoccupied with the problem of antisemitism rather than messianic deliverance. Moses Hess, for example, argued that anti-Jewish sentiment is unavoidable. No reform of Judaism can eliminate Jew- hatred from Western society. According to Hess, the only solution to the Jewish problem is the creation of a Jewish state which will enable world Jewry to undergo a renaissance and serve as a spiritual centre for all of humanity. Similarly, Leo Pinsker contended that Judeophobia is an extricable part of Western society – the only remedy for antisemitism is for Jewry to reconstitute themselves as a separate people in their own land. Echoing such sentiments Theodor Herzl espoused the creation of a Jewish homeland and undertook political steps to bring about its realization. Among Jewish activists who joined this quest to deliver the Jewish nation from their wanderings was Ber Borochov who attempted to integrate Jewish nationalism with Marxist ideology. For Borochov, the national struggle will liberate Jewry from its dependence on non-Jewish economic structures and enable Jews to be integrated with the universal revolutionary movement. Another major thinker of this period was Vladimir Jabotinsky who stressed the importance of armed struggle in the quest for national autonomy. Although these various figures departed radically from traditional patterns of Jewish thought about Jewish redemption, like their religious and spiritual counterparts they foresaw the need for a Jewish state in contemporary society. Their desire for a return to Israel was a modern expression of a deep longing within the Jewish soul.

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