Practical Handbook for Wetland Identification and Delineation

Practical Handbook for Wetland Identification and Delineation Kitap pdf indir


John Lyon









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Lyon, yerel bitki örtüsü topluluklarının durumunu değerlendirmek için sulak alanlar ve diğer orta derecede bozulmuş sistemlerle erkenden ilgilendi. Bu ilgi, Pasifik Kuzeybatısı, Kaliforniya, Nevada ve Alaska'nın dağlarında ve alpin sistemlerinde gençlik gezilerinde keskinleşti. Memleketi Oregon'daki Reed College'daki lisans çalışmalarında sulak alanların sistematik olarak incelenmesi ve Michigan Üniversitesi'ndeki yüksek lisans çalışmaları, sulak alanlara ve diğer doğal sistemlere ayrılmış lisans ve yüksek lisans tezleri ve bir doktora tezi verdi. Ohio Eyalet Üniversitesi'nde bir öğretim üyesi olarak on sekiz yıl ve nihayetinde tam bir İnşaat Mühendisliği ve Doğal Kaynaklar Profesörü olarak bu ilgi alanlarının bilimsel arayışlarına ayrıldı. Bir çalışma grubu, sulak alanların uzaktan sensör ve GIS değerlendirmelerini, sulak alanların tanımlanması için saha yöntemlerinin geliştirilmesini ve toprak, tarım, nehir kıyısı ve Laurentian Great Lakes sistemleri üzerindeki diğer çabaları içeriyordu.

Kitabın Tanımı

Practical Handbook for Wetland Identification and Delineation kitap pdf oku ve indir John Lyon

The "Practical Handbook for Wetland Identification and Delineation" by John G. Lyon is a comprehensive guide for professionals involved in wetland delineation, classification, and management. The book provides an overview of the history of wetland regulation, the functions and values of wetlands, and the current regulatory context.

The handbook is divided into four parts. Part I discusses the importance of wetland identification and delineation and provides an overview of wetland types, classification systems, and hydrology. Part II covers field methods for wetland delineation, including the use of vegetation, soils, and hydrology indicators. Part III discusses the use of remote sensing and GIS in wetland identification and delineation, including aerial photography, satellite imagery, and digital elevation models. Part IV focuses on wetland functional assessment and restoration.

Throughout the book, Lyon emphasizes the importance of accurate and consistent wetland delineation and classification. He provides practical tips and advice for fieldwork and data analysis, as well as case studies and examples from his own experiences in wetland science and management.

One of the unique features of this handbook is its emphasis on the use of remote sensing and GIS in wetland identification and delineation. Lyon provides detailed descriptions of the various remote sensing techniques and software tools available for wetland mapping and assessment. He also discusses the advantages and limitations of each method and provides tips for data interpretation and analysis.

Overall, the "Practical Handbook for Wetland Identification and Delineation" is an essential reference for wetland scientists, managers, and regulators. It provides a comprehensive overview of wetland science and management and practical guidance for fieldwork and data analysis. Additionally, its emphasis on the use of remote sensing and GIS makes it a valuable resource for professionals working in these areas. The book is well-written and easy to follow, with clear explanations and illustrations that make complex concepts accessible to readers of all levels of experience.

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