Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics

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Norman L. Geisler (Doktora, Loyola Üniversitesi) 50 yılı aşkın bir süredir kolej veya yüksek lisans düzeyinde teoloji, felsefe ve özür dileme dersleri verdi. Trinity Evangelical Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary ve Liberty University'de profesör olarak görev yaptı. Hem Southern Evangelical Seminary'nin hem de Veritas Evangelical Seminary'nin (şimdi Veritas International University) kurucu ortağıydı. O, Veritas International Üniversitesi'nin Şansölyesi ve Seçkin Savunuculuk Profesörüydü ve Southern Evanjelik Ruhban Okulu Fahri Başkanı ve İlahiyat ve Savunuculukta Seçkin Kıdemli Profesördü. Ateist Olmak İçin Yeterince İnancım Yok, Hristiyanlığın Doğru Olduğunu Gösteren On İki Nokta, The Big Book of Apologetics, Baker's Encyclopedia of Apologetics, When Skeptics Ask, When Critics Ask, dahil olmak üzere 100'den fazla kitabın yazarı/ortak yazarıdır. , Tanrı'dan Bize, Batı Felsefesinin Tarihi, Hatasızlığı Savunmak, Sistematik Teoloji, Tanrı Neden Kötüyse, Din Felsefesi, Hıristiyan Savunuculuğu ve İncil'deki Hatalılık.

Kitabın Tanımı

Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics kitap pdf oku ve indir Norman L. Geisler

Norman L. Geisler, an apologist who has written dozens of books, is to be lauded for furnishing the Christian community with this apologetic compilation. In "Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics" Geisler covers a wide range of apologetic and philosophical topics. He provides essays (many of them lengthy) on: - First principles - All the famous arguments for God existence (The Moral argument for the existence of God is one example) - Naturalism - Neopaganism - Pantheism - The Passover Plot - Presuppositional apologetics - Proof from prophecy - Biblical criticism - Evidence for the Resurrection and countless additional subjects. Geisler employs a basic classical and evidential approach in his presentations and evaluations (he does appear to endeavor to be fair when dealing with non-classical/evidential positions although I disagree with some of his criticisms). This is a good one-volume apologetic reference work that is both detailed and moderately comprehensive. He offers articles on: - Hume - Kant - Russell - Gordon Clark - Carnell - Van Til - Aquinas - Muhammad -Dooyeweerd and many other important figures in religion and apologetics. His numerous essays on the person and work of Christ are outstanding and have great utility in the defense of the Faith. God Does Exist!: Defending the faith using presuppositional apologetics, evidence, and the impossibility of the contrary This colossal work (840 pages) costs significantly less than when I first purchased it, so it is affordable and essential for the apologetic apprentice.

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