The New Organon

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Francis Bacon








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Francis Bacon: Bir İngiliz yazar ve filozof ve modern felsefenin öncülerinden biri olan felsefesi büyük bir bilimsel devrime neden oldu ve Aristotelesçi ve Aristotelesçi analojinin ötesine geçti. Francis Bacon MS 1561'de doğdu, babası kraliyet ailesinin öğretmeni olduğu için çocukluğundan beri eğitimini annesi üstlendi ve Yunanca, Latince, İtalyanca, Fransızca bildi ve geniş bir kültüre ve geniş bir kültüre sahip. ilahiyat işleyişinin öğretimi. Francis Bacon, MS 1573'te Cambridge Üniversitesi'ne katıldı, ancak bilimsel bir derece almadan hemen ayrıldı; Aristoteles'in teorik ve yararsız bulduğu felsefesine dayalı olarak öğretilen müfredatı küçümsemek. Bacon, Fransa'ya taşınarak tüm siyasi ve kültürel çevrelerle kaynaşmış, Paris'teki İngiliz Büyükelçiliği'nde çalışmış, öldükten sonra İngiltere'ye dönmüş ve onlara katılmıştır. O, belagati, belagati ve tartışmanın gücü ile tanınırdı ve Britanya Kraliyet Şansölyesi sıfatıyla Kraliçe Elizabeth'e yakındı ve küçümseyici tavrından dolayı "Kraliçe" lakabıyla yakındı. Bacon, rüşvetle suçlandıktan sonra siyasi görevlerinden alındıktan, dört gün hapis yattıktan sonra kraliyet affı aldıktan sonra siyasi ağırlığını kaybettiği bir aksilik yaşadı ve en önemli çalışmalarının sonunda emekli Vantage halkı, : 1622'de "Kral VII. Henry saltanatının tarihi" ve "Rüzgarların Tarihi" başlıklı doğa tarihi üzerine altı makale. Bacon, prosedür sırasında şiddetli soğuğa maruz kalmanın bir sonucu olarak MS 1626'da akut zatürreden ölene kadar araştırmalarına ve deneylerine bağlı kaldı.

Kitabın Tanımı

The New Organon kitap pdf oku ve indir Francis Bacon

The New Organon or True Directions concerning the interpretation of Nature by Francis Bacon. The Novum Organum, full original title Novum Organum Scientiarum, is a philosophical work by Francis Bacon, written in Latin and published in 1620. The title translates as new instrument, i.e. new instrument of science. This is a reference to Aristotle's work Organon, which was his treatise on logic and syllogism. In Novum Organum, Bacon details a new system of logic he believes to be superior to the old ways of syllogism. This is now known as the Baconian method. For Bacon, finding the essence of a thing was a simple process of reduction, and the use of inductive reasoning. In finding the cause of a phenomenal nature such as heat, one must list all of the situations where heat is found. Then another list should be drawn up, listing situations that are similar to those of the first list except for the lack of heat. A third table lists situations where heat can vary. The form nature, or cause, of heat must be that which is common to all instances in the first table, is lacking from all instances of the second table and varies by degree in instances of the third table. The title page of Novum Organum depicts a galleon passing between the mythical Pillars of Hercules that stand either side of the Strait of Gibraltar, marking the exit from the well-charted waters of the Mediterranean into the Atlantic Ocean. The Pillars, as the boundary of the Mediterranean, have been smashed through opening a new world for exploration. Bacon hopes that empirical investigation will, similarly, smash the old scientific ideas and lead to greater understanding of the world and heavens. The Latin tag across the bottom ("Multi pertransibunt & augebitur scientia") is taken from Daniel 12:4. It means: "Many will travel and knowledge will be increased". Those who have taken upon them to lay down the law of nature as a thing already searched out and understood, whether they have spoken in simple assurance or professional affectation, have therein done philosophy and the sciences great injury. For as they have been successful in inducing belief, so they have been effective in quenching and stopping inquiry; and have done more harm by spoiling and putting an end to other men's efforts than good by their own. Those on the other hand who have taken a contrary course, and asserted that absolutely nothing can be known - whether it were from hatred of the ancient sophists, or from uncertainty and fluctuation of mind, or even from a kind of fullness of learning, that they fell upon this opinion - have certainly advanced reasons for it that are not to be despised; but yet they have neither started from true principles nor rested in the just conclusion, zeal and affectation having carried them much too far. The more ancient of the Greeks (whose writings are lost) took up with better judgment a position between these two extremes - between the presumption of pronouncing on everything, and the despair of comprehending anything; and though frequently and bitterly complaining of the difficulty of inquiry and the obscurity of things, and like impatient horses champing at the bit, they did not the less follow up their object and engage with nature, thinking (it seems) that this very question - viz., whether or not anything can be known - was to be settled not by arguing, but by trying. And yet they too, trusting entirely to the force of their understanding, applied no rule, but made everything turn upon hard thinking and perpetual working and exercise of the mind.

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