Frederick Steiner (MRP’77, MA’86, PhD’86) 是宾夕法尼亚大学斯图尔特魏茨曼设计学院院长。最近,他在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校担任建筑学院院长和 Henry M. Rockwell 建筑学主席长达 15 年。他之前曾在宾夕法尼亚大学和以下机构任教:亚利桑那州立大学、华盛顿州立大学、科罗拉多大学丹佛分校。他曾是中国北京清华大学景观建筑学的客座教授。 Dean Steiner 是荷兰瓦赫宁根大学的 Fulbright-Hays 学者和罗马美国学院历史保护罗马奖研究员。 2013 年至 2014 年期间,他是罗马美国学院的 William A. Bernoudy 常驻建筑师。他是美国景观设计师协会和景观建筑教育者委员会的研究员,也是宾夕法尼亚大学城市研究所的学者。 Dean Steiner 帮助建立了可持续 SITES 计划,这是同类项目中第一个提供旨在定义可持续土地开发和管理的系统、综合评级系统的计划,并持有 SITES 专业人士 (SITES AP) 证书。
迪恩·施泰纳 (Dean Steiner) 是美国建筑师协会国家委员会的总统任命者,并且是国家公园系统顾问委员会城市委员会的成员。此前,他曾担任 Hill Country Conservancy(奥斯汀土地信托)的主席,并在 Envision Central Texas 和景观建筑基金会的董事会担任过各种职务。他参与了奥斯汀综合计划(想象奥斯汀)和德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的校园计划。
Dean Steiner 获得了社区规划硕士学位和 B.S.辛辛那提大学设计学博士,博士。宾夕法尼亚大学城市和区域规划硕士和区域规划硕士。 Dean Steiner 还获得了荣誉 M.Phil。大西洋学院人类生态学博士。
Making Plans: How to Engage with Landscape, Design, and the Urban Environment pdf 弗雷德里克·施泰纳
"Community and regional planning involve thinking ahead and formally envisioning the future for ourselves and others," according to Frederick R. Steiner. "Improved plans can lead to healthier, safer, and more beautiful places to live for us and other species. We can also plan for places that are more just and more profitable. Plans can help us not only to sustain what we value but also to transcend sustainability by creating truly regenerative communities, that is, places with the capacity to restore, renew, and revitalize their own sources of energy and materials."
InMaking Plans, Steiner offers a primer on the planning process through a lively, firsthand account of developing plans for the city of Austin and the University of Texas campus. As dean of the UT School of Architecture, Steiner served on planning committees that addressed the future growth of the city and the university, growth that inevitably overlapped because of UT's central location in Austin. As he walks readers through the planning processes, Steiner illustrates how large-scale planning requires setting goals and objectives, reading landscapes, determining best uses, designing options, selecting courses for moving forward, taking actions, and adjusting to changes. He also demonstrates that planning is an inherently political, sometimes messy, act, requiring the intelligence and ownership of the affected communities. Both wise and frank,Making Plansis an important philosophical and practical statement on planning by a leader in the field.